A Sip of Starting New Beginnings

04 Jun, 2023 0 comments
Melvin Smith Melvin Smith

Commencing a new chapter can be very exiting and overwhelming.

No matter if your transformation is financially, romantically, or emotionally driven, we all must approach our own start.

Upon reflecting on conversations with my guests, there are a few tips I would like to share in preparing for your new beginning.

Remember that this Journey is for You and What You Value. 

Congratulations, you have decided to begin the journey for the next version of you. This may be anxiety inducing. Trust me your journey will lead to a happier you. 

I must acknowledge that through the journey there will be some struggles and difficulty. It is normal to feel conflicted and your feelings are valid.

I encourage you to reflect on your personal values and why they are important to you. It is these values that make you unique and will be essential in navigating your growth and happiness. 

As shared by Andrew Gonzalez. Success happens by sticking to one’s core.

Self-care of your well-being should be a priority. It allows you to be prepared for encountering opposition.

Do Not Expect that the Journey will be Easy

The courage it takes to start a new journey is profound and worth acknowledging. It takes fire to make gold and pressure to make diamonds.

What can a little heat do?

Remember transformations rarely come overnight and usually they come with multiple learning opportunities and pivots. 

Setting realistic expectations can be prepare one to work hard and persevere through all encounters. 

Challenges are normal. By pushing through the resistance we reach new levels. Overtime, this can become stressful, overwhelming, and sometimes exhausting. Remember to take breaks and practice physical, mental, and emotional care. 

Remove Any Anchors that are Holding You Back 

What is holding you back from starting your journey, fear of failure, toxic relationships, or a lack of resources? Whatever it may be, it is best to identify the anchors in your life. Mistakes are inevitable, failure is a choice. Breaking down goals into small items encourages consistency. One will find themself celebrating your progress. Alternatively to ruminating on pitfalls. 

As my mom always says, “birds of a feather flock together.” If you entangle yourself in toxic relationships. Why be surprised by negative thoughts? Through surrounding yourself with positive supportive people, you will see more growth in pursuit of your dreams.

Interested in having a support community? Feel free to participate in “The Pond” Journal Club. A space for individuals to process their own transformation in a supportive environment as we all experience our own journeys.

Be Open to Learning New Skills and Habits

Learning new skills is imperative in the growth and development process. It provides an opportunity to expand one’s knowledge, abilities, and experiences. Which in turn can help in developing confidence, creativity, and adaptability.

If something got you where you are today. Does not mean it will get you to your next goal. As the world evolves. We must stay up to date on the latest skills to stay competitive against any challenges one may face. By continuously learning. You can adapt to the latest innovations.

Ultimately, learning new skills improves confidence and self-esteem. As you acquire new skills and knowledge. You will feel more competent and capable of achieving your goals.

Sometimes Your Inner Coach is Accompanied by an Inner Critic. 

Nothing holds you back more than the enemy who lives inside your head. If negative thoughts are holding you back, challenge them by asking yourself if they are true or not. Practice mindfulness and pay attention to your self-talk. If you notice any negative or limiting thoughts, replace them with positive, affirming beliefs that empower you to positively act. 

Remember that fear is false evidence appearing real. It is that fear that can hold us back from taking risks and pursuing a transformation journey. Face your fears by taking small steps outside your comfort zone, and gradually expand your pond.

Starting a transformation journey can be exciting and overwhelming. It is important to approach it with the right mindset and tools. Here are some key takeaways from today’s discussion:

First, remember that this journey is for you and what you value. Yet it takes clear goals and intention for your journey to begin. 

Second, the transformation journey will not be easy. Break down your goals into small, achievable steps. This will help you stay motivated.

Seek out support and remove any anchors that are holding you back. Having a support system can make all the difference in your journey.

And be open to learning new skills and habits. Starting a new journey can be unpredictable, and it is important to be adaptable.

Finally, along with every inner coach there is a critic lurking. Remember to take care of yourself along the way. Prioritize self-care, rest, and balance to ensure you have the energy and stamina to see your journey through.

I hope these tips will help you start your transformation journey with confidence and clarity. 

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